WebXR game design

Jesse Gao
Apr 6, 2021

Duration: 8 weeks
My role:game designer, web developer
Keywords: WebXR, Block-game, ThreeJS

ZLT is a block puzzle game in the new web age, built by ThreeJS.

With the power of webXR API, ZLT can be played on any kind of browser, including the one in the VR system.

Player needs to use the appropriate block to make shapes that can be matched to the given ones on the wall.

There are neither any punishments if you can’t make it till the end, nor any rewards if you complete levels.

The only thing you need to do is to focus on the jobs at hand, trying to challenge your talents and aftertaste your childhood with endless imaginations.

Once the game is completed, please enjoy the world you created.

Feel free to try online:




Jesse Gao

An XR researcher, hoping to bring more actuated physicality to future work;Keep in touch: jessegao7@uchicago.edu